Sometimes PS4 fan in your PS system can end up being an annoying issue that is difficult to hear the game sounds over. But it’s important to know why is my PS4 fan So Loud?
The noise may be so loud, that it becomes impossible to focus on playing games, and you will notice how much longer load times are when the fan turns into a mini jet engine.
This article will help explain why our PS4 fans get louder as time goes by – even though they don’t need to at all!
One of the main reasons for this is a due accumulation of dust from around the system; not only does this make your gaming experience intolerable.
But also slows downloading speeds, which means waiting more than usual before starting another game or switching between tabs.
The process of accumulating dust doesn’t happen overnight but takes weeks or even months for the dust to pile up around the fan.
It means your gaming experience will slowly become more difficult as time goes by.
This article will also provide helpful tips on cleaning your PS4fan and ensuring that these issues don’t occur in the future.
So let’s get started.
Table of Contents
Why Is My Ps4 Fan So Loud?
There are two reasons why your Ps4 fan is so loud. Either the cooling fan is not working, or the hard disk drive is making too much noise.
Cooling fans in PS4 Console are so loud, and This is one of the top reasons for a noisy PlayStation.
Dust accumulation on the cooling fans of PS- consoles is one of the main reasons why they get louder over time.
It cannot be delightful, especially when you are playing a game.
When dust accumulates, it will affect how much air flows through and cools down your console.
It creates more noise as this process continues to build up around the fan.
The accumulating dust also causes lags in games or even makes them freeze without warning, forcing you to restart from time to time.
Ps4 Hard Drive cause of the noise

Your gaming console could make noise. It is because the platters are turning as they are searching for data.
Another reason for the noise could be that you are using a hard drive, not an SSD in your PS4.
If your game is installed on the hard drive, it may also make noise when loading or starting.
It will happen if there’s no space left to install new games and updates.
Hard drives have moving parts inside them, which can create background noises and vibrations in your PS, making it louder than usual when running certain games.
Also, a loud hard drive is a sign of an upcoming problem with your hard drive.
Old and broken Ps4 making noise

Over time, your gaming console collects dust, pet hair, and lint. And as we all know, these are not the only things that can make a ps4 fan run.
The accumulation of dust around your PS4 fan will cause it to become much louder than usual and also causes games to take longer to load up even crash at times.
It is a common problem for systems whose fan has been broken or old from day one and gets more clogged over time with more use by children in the home.
They do this without thinking about how their actions may affect you later on when you need them.
It’s essential that if you notice any abnormalities like this within your gaming console, then be sure to take care of it as soon as possible before it’s too late.
A-List of Ways of Fix PS4 Loud Fan
Below are different ways to fix ps4 loud fans so you can enjoy a smooth gaming experience.
Identify the source of the noise.
The first thing you want to do is identify the source of your noise. Is it coming from inside or outside?
If you can hear some noises on both sides of your ps4, chances are those sounds might be the cause for a ps4 fan being loud.
Here is what might be making noise on your Ps4.
- Old/broken ps4
- Failing hard drive
- Cooling fan
Listening to the sound and trying to figure out where it is coming from can be challenging. It would be best if you listened closely.
– Is it coming from the inside or outside of your PS4?
If you hear a loud sound on both sides (inside and outside), then chances are those noises might be caused by your ps4 fan.
If that is the main reason, you can notice the following things: The console will frequently overheat and, at times, shut down.
Rattling noises could be a result of loose parts in your ps4 that need to be secured.
If your ps4 makes a whirring noise, the hard disk might be failing.
Now that you know what might be causing the noise problem let’s fix it.
Allow for proper ventilation in ps4.

If you place your ps4 in a closed or not well-ventilated space, it can overheat.
It will require you to restart the device often.
It can also lead to a loud ps4 fan if there is an accumulation of dust around it.
The heat from having your PS4 inside enclosed spaces can cause its components to melt, which in turn damages them and prohibits the machine from functioning properly.
Open space allows for better circulation and lets air flow more freely over all parts of the console, including that pesky ps fan.
Keeping your PS away from any hot or humid places like on top of your TV set’s vent may help prevent overheating as well.
Your best bet would be placing it at least six inches away from walls, so airflow has room to circulate easily around it (preferably higher than waist height.
Also, you never have to cover the console with things like towels, bags, or coats because that can cause heat to go stagnant.
Try a can of compressed air.

It is simple to use compressed air to get rid of dust or pet hair accumulated on the fan.
Remove the front panel of your console and blow it into the fan.
Once you have blown it a few times, observe if there are any visible signs that dust has been removed from the fan blades’ surface.
If not, then try again until all stubborn spots are gone.
Note: You may want to keep an eye on how much air remains in the canister before using it, as compressed air cans don’t last very long once they’ve opened.
If debris blocks airflows like spider webs or pet hair, use a thin object, like a flexible plastic card such as those used for credit cards.
With that, you can pull them out gently without damaging anything else nearby (such as other components).
You do not use a vacuum cleaner to clean your PS4. It may break the parts inside.
Fix Corrupted System files

If you have a corrupted system file, your fan will start running more efficiently.
It might be because the processor is less loaded when it isn’t trying to fix these files, or it may just need to cool down some of its components before they overheat and damage themselves.
If the games are not installing correctly, you may experience the same problem. It will put too much pressure on the CPU and make your unit overheat.
In these kinds of situations, your ps4 system overheats, the fan will have to spin faster, which makes a lot of noise.
Place your PS4 console in a vertical position.
We usually put our gaming console horizontally.
However, if you place it in an upright position, then this will allow air to flow through the PS and keep it cool.
A ps4 fan set in a horizontal position may not be able to dissipate heat as well.
That is why many people find their PS fans getting louder over time because they cannot regulate the temperature of your console.
This method might make your console cooler and quieter. Give it a try.
If the tricks you’ve tried before haven’t worked, try solving the noise problem from inside your game console.
You will need to open it up and may need the help of a professional if you are not very good at things like this.
Open your Ps4 and clean it out.
Disclaimer: if you do this, your warranty will be gone. If your PS4 is new, send it back to Sony or a certified dealership.
If you can’t get the dust and dirt off, it is time to do a deep clean.
Here’s what you should do:
- Use a T9 or T8 Torx like HECKMAN 10 in 1 Torx Screwdriver Set to remove the screws. If you don’t have it, you can buy it from amazon or any shop near your house.
- Remove all the four screws on the back of the ps4. Open it, and you should be able to see a fan.
- To clean the dust off of a fan, you can use a clean cloth or compressed air. You can also spray compressed air on other dusty parts of your PS4. It will help the PS4 to run smoother.
- When you are done cleaning, put things back in their place. Put the screws back on and turn on your PS4. You will be able to play games smoothly now.
Why is my PS4 making a loud fan noise?
Only the PS4 Pro Players would know the reason why their PS4 making a loud noise.
For beginners, if the fan in your PS4 is making a loud noise without you doing anything, it could be drawing too much power and might need to be repaired.
If this is the case, please try unplugging the console and plugging it back in without reconfiguration/update/mistake (as these will cause high power consumption).
Furthermore, turning off any energy-saving mode (a setting that causes a device to only turn on when being used) might fix the problem.
If PS4 stills sound like a jet taking off, then it’s time to do minor surgery on your console. You might have to change the thermal paste, clean up the fan and heatsink, or if the fan is partially damaged, you will have to replace the fan.
We would advise you to always keep your PS4 clean whether it is making noise or not.
Lastly, if none of these seem to work, you can contact Sony gaming support or PlayStation for further assistance with troubleshooting. They are usually fairly quick and reliable at getting someone out to help fix issues like this.
We would advise you to contact customer support first if your PS4 console has a warranty, it will save you time and money. Troubleshooting the console yourself might void your warranty, so be cautious.
Final Thoughts on PS4 Loud Fan
You’ve got a PS4, and you love it.
But there are some problems with the fan noise that won’t go away; It can get in the way of your game time.
That’s why we want to share our tips for fixing this problem without having to take apart the console itself.
Whether it be using compressed air or going inside of the console for more severe repairs, there is something that will work for you here.
If none of these tips help with your specific issue, then you can contact a professional.