It’s summer, and it’s hot outside. You’re working in your home office when you hear a loud noise coming from the living room. It is surely not another thing but an air conditioner, which is making a sound. Let´s Explore how to quiet a noisy air conditioner.
You can quiet a noisy air conditioner by using a soundproofing blanket, installing a fence, and creating the best surface for your AC unit.
Read my guide on the quietest through-wall air conditioner unit.
This post will cover some ways to reduce an air conditioner’s sound levels for those looking for some relief. In this article, you can also find about
RV noisy air conditioner
Outdoor noisy air conditioners
Sound levels over 115 decibels can cause discomfort in humans, and the Purdue website detail that sounds this quiet is at a “pain threshold”.
The law says that the HVAC system should have noise levels of 70 and 75 dB. But this is still loud. It can disturb other people.
So how do you make your HVAC system quieter?
Let’s find out:
Table of Contents
RV Air Conditioner Noise Reduction
You’ve probably heard or experienced a noisy RV air conditioning unit and how much of a hassle it can be. We will discuss some tips to reduce noise and the best quiet RV air conditioner from your favorite brands.
A noisy AC system can be a turn-off for an otherwise fabulous vacation. But, with creative approaches, you can make any unit quiet!
There can be many reasons why an AC in a home or RV is noisy. Diagnosing the problem and identifying possible solutions are essential if you want to solve it.
Some of the most common reasons why RVs make noises is because they are too old, loose screws on the compressor or condenser fan blades, dirty filters blocking airflow, and turning off fans that should stay on to prevent mold from growing.
If you hear any weird noises coming from your RV’s air conditioner, this article will teach you how to take care of it.
Let’s begin with a couple of common reasons that an A/C unit could be making pulsating noise on the inside of a camper, and then we’ll talk about ways to quiet it down.
Inspect the mounting bolts for tightness

A tightly mounted air conditioner can create noise in your RV. As it runs, the vibration efficiently transmits to the walls and frames of your RV. It often gets worse when you operate it at full power.
To minimize air conditioner noise, check the screws holding it in place.
Tightening them too much can cause excessive noise, so you have to lose a little bit.
While the air conditioner is still framed up, check for any loose parts that may cause noise. Loose screws, nuts, or bolts can create jarring sounds that are disruptive and annoying to others.
Loosening AC mounting might be the simplest and also one of the most effective DIY projects that you can do on your own.
If this doesn’t work, then you can try the next possible solution.
Inspect the AC’s rubber cushions

An RV air conditioner comes with rubber cushions to absorb vibrations from running parts.
RV cushions can wear out and become hard, no longer able to cushion the vibrations.
The rubber cushions on the inside of your AC can wear and become less effective over time. If they’re old, replace them with new ones to reduce air conditioner noise.
Check the fan motor.

People have found their air conditioner makes a loud noise. In older cases, it is usually fan motors. This can be a problem for most RVs.
One way to reduce fan noise is by replacing the motor, which can be pretty expensive.
If you’re unsure about the condition of your air conditioning unit or don’t know much about AC mechanics, you might want to ask a professional for their advice.
Replacing the motor in your air conditioner isn’t nearly as expensive as you might think. Plus, let’s face it – if you happen to know a little about electrical and mechanical appliances, then you can do it yourself too.
Invest in an RV AC silencer (AKA noise reduction kit)

Installing a silencer to the RV’s air conditioner can be one of the most effective ways of reducing noise.
This kit can reduce noise in your RV by 8-10 decibels, which is quite significant!
Additionally, you will be able to feel the cooling power with a higher efficiency rate than before because the air conditioner no longer needs to work so hard!
If you don’t currently have AC noise but are looking for an inexpensive solution, we recommend installing a noise reduction kit.
Typically these kits cover the inside of your unit’s duct system with thick cotton pieces to reduce how loud it is.
As the installation of these kits doesn’t require that you take anything apart, it’s an easy DIY project, and even a beginner can handle it
Regular maintenance is critical in keeping AC noise low

Yes, taking good care of your air conditioner can also help keep it from making noise. Sometimes it can be just a few simple adjustments or cleaning that will do the trick.
For example, blocked air through the vents can make the unit noisy. If you keep the ducts clean and don’t block them, it will be quieter.
Regular maintenance will also help keep your AC unit from breaking down and leaking. This is especially important if the system has a compressor that can circulate refrigerant, making noise.
Maintenance doesn’t have to be expensive either! You might need a new air filter for an easy fix or some lubricant gears on the fan motor to mitigate compressor noise.
You could even use white vinegar in place of chemical-laden cleaners – it’s cheap and effective at getting rid of mold as well as any dirt buildup inside your machine.
Replace the old AC with a new model
Older air conditioning units are known to generate more noise. If you are looking for a better solution, the best option is to replace it with a new air conditioner.
This will reduce noise and lower your electricity bills as newer models consume less power than older ones. If replacing the current air conditioner is out of budget, invest in sound blankets or insulation to minimize its noise level.
Don’t always believe the manufacturer when they say that this AC unit is too noisy. We recommend comparing different brands through a voyage of RV air conditioner reviews to ensure you make the best decision.
Outdoor Air Conditioner Noise Reduction
Outdoor ACs can be noisy for neighbors and problematic for those who live nearby.
Below are some tips to ensure your outdoor unit is quiet.
Use Soundproofing Blanket

If you have no other option but to install an AC on a balcony, soundproofing your outdoor unit is critical.
A simple coat of paint will not be enough, and it can start making noise already when the fan starts circulating air inside the outside unit cabinet.
This technique works well for both in-wall units as well as through-the-wall models too. A good idea would be to add some insulation sound blanket that will help reduce noise to manageable levels.
These blankets are specially designed to reduce up to 40% of noise.
They come in different shapes and sizes, so you should be able to find one that fits your air conditioner perfectly.
Sound blankets also help prevent condensation from forming outside the AC unit by blocking cold air coming into contact with it. This means less noise caused by dripping water too!
Select Location Carefully
One of the most important decisions you’ll have to make about your air conditioner is where it should go in your house.
If you have a window, it will be easier to install the unit outside your home to reduce noise.
But if not, or if you want improved airflow inside your house, then an air conditioner that’s built into the wall is what you need.
Keep on reading for more information about quiet through-wall systems and their benefits.
When you talk to your contractor, it is essential not to put the air conditioner in a place where there are narrow corridors.
The sound will bounce off the walls, and it will get louder because of the narrow corridors.
When installing your AC, avoid placing the unit in corners where there are multiple surfaces.
Install a fence

To reduce outdoor air conditioner noise, Install a fence to help block outside sounds.
If you have an outside air conditioner, installing a fence will not only make it more aesthetically pleasing but also entirely up to any unwanted noises in the process.
Fences can be made with wood or metal, and both are affordable options depending on where you live.
For even better soundproofing, consider adding acoustical panels which work wonders at dampening vibrations from loud noises like noisy generators or motors that might annoy neighbors who share your space, for instance.
You are looking for any natural element to place around your air conditioner to reduce outdoors.
Install Noise Barriers

Noise barriers are used to reduce traffic noise. You can use the same hack for your air conditioning noise.
Place foam insulation boards around your air conditioner. These will act as noise barriers and prevent the sound waves from traveling to other rooms in your home or apartment.
You can plant green things to help with noise. It would be best if you had something that will block the noise, and plants are suitable for this. Make sure the plants are higher than your air conditioner.
Create the best surface for your AC unit
There are things you can do to make your air conditioner less noisy. One of the easiest ways is by providing a slick and flat surface for it to sit on.
Create an area that’s about 12 inches larger than the AC unit, so there will be ample space around it for ventilation, too. Smooth out any surfaces with sandpaper. There should be at least two feet of open space on all sides of the A/C for air circulation.
Cover the area with a plastic liner or tarp to catch any spills that might occur when you’re cleaning it.
Put down non-slip mats near where someone will most likely be standing during installation and removal of the air conditioner, so they don’t slip on wet floors, too!
Install your air conditioner in an open space outdoors if possible for more significant ventilation potential.
If things are blocking the machine from effectively circulating coolant or warm air, then consider building walls around it and adding windows as needed to ensure proper circulation.
Regular AC Maintenance
In many cases, HVAC system noise is a result of damage, clogs, or worn-out components.
Regular AC maintenance can help you catch potential noise problems before they become worse. Service your system annually, and get to know how it works.
This will allow for a more informed decision the next time you need repairs or replacements.
Routine air filter cleanings also mitigate most air conditioner noisiness because dirt buildup causes drag on the fan blades and increase heat input into the evaporator coils.
Which leads to increased wear in these parts of an air conditioning unit.
So do the maintenance of your AC unit whenever it is possible.
Preventing Water Dripping Noises
Dripping water from air conditioners does not always mean that something is wrong.
While most people would worry about this reflecting a problem with their unit, in reality, it’s pretty standard and can happen during the hottest days of the year.
If the unit is a bit off the ground, it may be loud when it drips. To stop the noise, attach a hose to the air conditioner’s hose so that water does not drip at all.
Sometimes a leak comes from an unexpected source. But it is a good thing that you will know about the issue because of the noise.
Get a repair as soon as possible, and the noise will go away. This is an easy fix to keep your AC working at full power again like before.
Soundproof the Home, Not the A/C Unit
Most people ask themselves how to quiet an air conditioner. The truth is, you don’t have to quiet the AC unit at all!
It would be best if you soundproof your home to be quieter in every room of the house.
To do this project, I recommend continuing with these steps:
Cover windows and doors as best as possible (add layers), use outdoor screens if available, or invest in a set for indoor use.
Use heavy fabric on curtains, especially near exterior walls, wall vents, and any noisy appliances like dishwashers or washing machines.
Heavy solid colors work best because light fabrics can vibrate against window panes when touched/moved by wind gusts, creating more noise inside the house.
This can be done by adding outdoor foam panels or sheets of drywall etc. You could also use acoustic tiles, which are specially designed for this purpose.
If you want additional protection from outside air conditioners’ noises, consider sleeping with earplugs when wind gusts hit windows at night time as these disrupt sleep for many people.
Are there Quiet Air Conditioners
If your old AC is loud, it’s time to replace it. The best alternative investment would be in a quieter air conditioner or RV air conditioner. These units are designed with noise reduction in mind.
Some older models are more expensive, and outdated, and repairing them can cost you more money than buying a new model.
One of the most recommended silent air conditioners for RVs is Dometic rooftop AC units or Coleman through-wall AC.
If you’re like most people, your home is one of the only places where it’s possible to enjoy peace.
Unfortunately, some inevitable sounds come with owning a house;
For example, an air conditioner can be noisy during the hot days and nights of summer.
Luckily, there are different ways you can combat this noise before it becomes more than just an inconvenience in your life.
Building a fence might take some technical skills and help reduce 98% of unwanted noises from coming into your yard.
The hacks above are all simple fixes that won’t require any professional assistance if you’re willing to put in the time.